Alstom wins contract worth around 500 million euros to
supply boilers for a 1600 MW coal-based power plant in the

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When completed in 2013, the new 800 MW boilers will operate
at ultra-supercritical steam conditions, which means that they
will be among the most efficient of their kind worldwide.
Reaching an efficiency of approximately 47%, the units will
burn 20% less coal than previous generations to generate the
same power while greatly reducing plant emissions, including
CO2. Finally, the new units are designed to co-fire up to 10%
biomass, an important renewable energy option. The units can be
retrofitted at a later date with equipment used to capture CO2
after combustion.

Time is of essence in the race against climate change
and Alstom is delighted to be working with RWE in order to
mitigate the environmental impact of electricity
production, said Philippe Joubert, Alstom Executive Vice
President and President, Power. In choosing
Alstoms state-of-the-art boilers and selecting a plant
that can be easily fitted with CO2 capture equipment, RWE
demonstrates its determination to be ready for the

Alstom is a key player in the Dutch power generation market:
its equipment generates about 60% of the countrys
electricity. In 2008, it was already awarded two combined cycle
power plant contracts, Electrabels Flevocentrale (870MW)
and Essents Claus C (1280 MW), that are currently under

Alstom is a world leader in boiler technology, having
supplied directly or through licenses more than 700,000 MW
globally, of which more than 200,000 MW are supercritical

Press Contact

Philippe Kasse, Stéphane Farhi (Corporate) - Tel +33 1
41 49 29 82 /33 08,

Jasmin Dearnell, Annette Titzmann (Power) - Tel +33 1 41 49
38 53/+49 621 329 8915,

Investor Relations

Emmanuelle Châtelain - Tel + 33 1 41 49 37 38 -

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