Alstom presents its tramway to the Community of Angers
Loire Métropole

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The 47 million contract signed on 15 November 2006
includes design studies, creation of a life-size model,
construction of 17 Citadis tramsets and provision of the APS
ground power supply system in the centres of Angers and
Avrillé. This exclusive Alstom innovation, already proven
in Bordeaux, is a catenary-free power system allowing the tram
to operate wirelessly over distances of any
length and with complete safety, better integrating it into its
urban environment by preserving the architectural treasures
along the trams path.

Delivery of the tramsets will take place between November 2009
and the end of 2010.

These tramsets are fitted with the latest equipment from the
Citadis range designed for passenger comfort and which includes
an integral low floor offering easier access for the disabled,
air conditioning, video surveillance and sound and visual
information systems. The exterior design and interior fittings
are the result of a joint effort by Angers Loire
Métropole, Alstom Transports design department and
the agency RCP Design. The Angers tramway will have a strong
visual identity: a nose reminiscent of a ships bow, a
pastoral interior with seat upholstery mirroring the slopes of
the Angers hillsides and, in a ceiling fresco, a floral design
which evokes the low valleys of Anjou.

Citadis tramsets will run on Line A of the new tramway in
Angers, which will link the Roseraie district in the southern
part of the city to Avrillé Nord. This first tram line
covers 12 km and includes 25 stations. It will pass through the
main residential, professional and leisure areas, and will also
serve the train station and hospital.

About Alstom Transports La Rochelle

Continuing a proud railway tradition begun in 1918, Alstom
Transports site in Aytré-La Rochelle is one of its
12 centres of excellence in France. With 1,158 employees, it is
the leading industrial site of the Charentes département
and the second-leading site in the Poitou-Charentes region. The
site is Alstom Transports worldwide centre of excellence
for the design of high-speed and very high-speed trains.
Beginning with the very first TGVTM trainset in 1978, it has
designed all 640 of the very high-speed trains sold by Alstom
worldwide. Site teams are currently developing the first AGV
trains for private Italian operator NTV. Also a centre of
excellence for the manufacture of rolling stock, Alstom La
Rochelle produces the Citadis tramway carriage and the TGV
Duplex bi-level trailer, 100 of which have been in use in
France since 1995.

About Alstom Transport

A promoter of sustainable mobility, Alstom Transport develops
and markets the most complete range of systems, equipment and
services in the railway sector. Alstom Transport manages entire
transport systems, taking in rolling stock, signalling and
infrastructure, and offers turnkey solutions.
Alstom Transport recorded sales of 5.5 billion euros in the
fiscal year 2007-2008 and an increase in orders of 39% compared
to the previous year. Alstom Transport is present in over 60
countries and employs some 26,000 people. The company recruited
4,000 people worldwide in 2007, including 1.500 engineers and

Press contact

Laurent Gerbet

Tel.: +33 (0)1 41 66 92 83

¹TSP: transport en site propre (urban public