Philippe Favre appointed Senior Vice-President,
International Network

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Philippe Favre, 47, has just joined Alstom as
Senior Vice President, International Network. The International
Network represents the Group worldwide, with around 50 Country
Presidents who coordinate and support the activity of
Alstom’s three Sectors in each market. Philippe Favre was
previously French Ambassador for International Investment,
Chairman and CEO of Invest in France Agency (IFA). He will report
to Philippe Joubert, President of the Power Systems Sector,
Executive Vice-Président of Alstom and responsible for the
International Network at the Executive Committee level. Philippe
Favre replaces Bruno Cotté, who left the Group.

Philippe Favre, born in 1961, is a graduate of
the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris and of Ecole
Nationale d’Administration (National School of
Administration). From 1987 to 2001, he was Economic Counselor in
Washington D.C., Hong-Kong and Taipei for the French Government.
From 2002 to 2006, Philippe Favre was Chief of Staff of the
French Trade Minister (Christine Lagarde) and Deputy Chief of
Staff of the Finance Minister (notably Nicolas Sarkozy).Philippe
Favre was appointed in 2006 French Ambassador for International
Investment, Chairman and CEO of Invest in France Agency.

Press contacts

Philippe Kasse, Stéphane Farhi (Corporate) - Tel
+33 1 41 49 29 82 /33 08


Emmanuelle Châtelain - Tel + 33 1 41 49 37 38