BeNEX orders from Alstom 26 Coradia Continental regional trains worth about 100. Mio. Euro

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BeNEX orders from Alstom 26 Coradia Continental regional trains for the Hamburger Hochbahn (HOCHBAHN) operated regional network Regensburg incl. Donauthalbahn. BeNEX GmbH is an expansions holding company of HOCHBAHN and Babcock & Brown. The 21 three-car units and 5 four-car-units are worth about 100. Mio. Euro. The EMUs will be developed and produced in German site Salzgitter. The trains will enter service end of 2010.

BeNEX is the first private customer for our Coradia Continental. By now we have sold over 100 of this trains in Germany, says Dr. Martin Lange, managing director Alstom Transport in Salzgitter.

Coradia Lirex trains, which can operate at speeds of up to 160 kilometres/hour, are characterized by their high degree of modularity. The length of the trains, entrance height, number of doors and the interior design can be adapted to the individual needs of operators and passengers. The continuous low floor and the gangways between the coaches make access and getting about on board the train easier, in particular for people with reduced mobility.

95% recyclable, Coradia Lirex trains exemplify the environmental approach applied by Alstom. This performance results from taking into account, from the product design phase, parameters that make it possible to control the trains impact on the environment throughout their lifecycle, from manufacture to recycling. In addition, the energy management system with which they are equipped reduces the consumption of the traction and auxiliary systems.