Alstom Hydro to equip several plants in Europe

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Alstom Hydro* has recently won contracts
totalling around 80 million euros to provide generating equipment
for three hydropower plants in Turkey, Greece and

Yedigöze Elektrik Uretim ve Ticaret A.S.,
a special purpose company owned by SANKO Group of Turkey, has
engaged Alstom Hydro to supply three generating units to the
Yedigöze hydropower plant, located in Adana province of
southern Turkey. The project is expected to produce 967 GWh of
electricity annually which will contribute to meet the power
demand in the country.

The scope of supply includes the design,
manufacturing, erection, supervision and commissioning of 2 x 160
MW turbine/generator units. The equipment will be manufactured at
the companys factories in Grenoble, France and Baroda,
India. The first unit is scheduled for commercial operation in
December 2011, and the second in early 2012. 

Metal Construction of Greece SA (METKA) has
placed an order for the supply of 2 x 77MW turbine/generator
units for the  llarionsa hydropower plant, owned by Public
Power Corporation of Greece. Alstom Hydros Baroda unit in
India is in charge of manufacturing and project management.
Commercial operation is scheduled for 2011.

Alstom Hydro is also to provide
Electricité de France (EDF) with 2 x 27.5 MW vertical pelton
turbine/generator units as well as hydro-mechanical equipment for
its Rizzanese hydropower plant, located on the island of Corsica.
Currently Alstom Hydro is executing another project of EDF, the
extension of the Rivière de lEst hydropower plant in
the Réunion island of Indian ocean, where a 23.55 MW Pelton
turbine is to be installed.  The equipment for both projects
will be manufactured in the companys facilities in

Philippe Cochet, President of Alstom
Hydro,  said: These three orders demonstrate Alstom
Hydros capabilities in providing a wide range of turbines,
generators and hydro-mechanical equipment to our customers from
our global engineering and manufacturing set-up.

*Alstom Hydro, a joint venture between Alstom
and Bouygues, is the world leader in the supply of hydropower
equipment and services with over 400MW of turbines and generators
installed worldwide, representing more than 25% of total global
hydropower installed capacity. Alstom Hydro offers the broadest
range of products and solutions that cover all hydropower
schemes, from large to small, from run-of-river to
pumped-storage, for new installations, refurbishment, upgrading
and services. The joint venture has 5500 employees in 19


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