Alstom to supply 57 Citadis tramways to the cities of Oran
and Constantine

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The contract for the city of
Oran calls for an 18 km line, serving 32
stations. Its value is worth 355 million, of which
148 million for Alstom. The TRAMNOUR consortium is made
up of Alstom Transport and the Spanish group Isolux CORSAN.
Alstom will supply 30 Citadis tramways, which will be
manufactured at the groups factory in Barcelona, Spain,
the operating system (signalling and telecommunications), the
depot equipment and the substations. Isolux CORSAN will be in
charge of the civil engineering, track, engineering and
overhead catenary. The first trainsets will enter commercial
service 26 months after the contract takes effect.

Constantine contract is worth 307
million, of which 178 million for Alstom. It concerns an
8 km line, serving 11 stations. The consortium is made up of
Alstom Transport and the Italian company Pizzarotti. Alstom
will supply 27 Citadis tramways, the track, electrical power
supply, operating system (signalling and telecommunications)
and the depot equipment. The trams will be manufactured at the
groups factory in La Rochelle (France). Pizzarotti will
perform the civil engineering works. The first trainsets will
enter commercial service 27 months after the contract takes

These projects form part of the Algerian governments
development programme to respond to the growing need for public
transport. Alstom had previously been entrusted with a turnkey
project by EMA, in 2006, for the construction of the Algiers

After Tunis, Algiers and Rabat, the choice made by the
cities of Oran and Constantine confirms Alstoms position
in the urban transport market in North Africa, a market that is
currently experiencing strong growth, declared Philippe
Mellier, President of Alstom Transport.

These successes demonstrate Alstom Transports ability to
manage entire transport projects, offering solutions that
include the rolling stock, signalling, infrastructure and
services. This turnkey market is a strongly growing one, due to
the fact that the growing complexity of technical solutions and
infrastructure projects is leading more customers to demand
complete solutions. Alstom is currently managing projects of
this type in around twenty countries worldwide, such as the new
section of London-Paris line, the Singapore metro and the Reims
tramway in France.

About Alstom Transport

A promoter of sustainable mobility, Alstom Transport develops
and markets the most complete range of systems, equipment and
services in the railway sector. Alstom Transport manages entire
transport systems, taking in rolling stock, signalling and
infrastructure, and offers turnkey solutions. In
the 2006/07 financial year, Alstom Transports sales
lifted the company to the number one position in the world
transport market. During the first nine months of 2007/08,
Alstom booked orders up by 38% and sales up by 21% versus the
same period of the previous year.

Press contact

Philippe Kasse, Stéphane Farhi (Corporate) - Tel +33 1 41
49 29 82 /33 08

Cécile Dodat (Transport) - Tel + 33 1 41 66 91 43

Investor Relations

Emmanuelle Châtelain - Tel + 33 1 41 49 37 38
