The Municipality of Istanbul exhibits the new metro
delivered by Alstom

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On the occasion of this event, designed to demonstrate the
progress being made on the new line to the population, Mr.
Yalçin Eyigün, Director of the Railway System
Department of IBB, expressed his satisfaction and praised
Alstom's responsiveness. Mr. Yalçin Eyigün had
declared when he visited to Alstom Valenciennes, the company's
centre of excellence specializing in urban transport solutions
last September: With this product we can carry a lot of
passengers with a very comfortable atmosphere inside. These
will be the nicest trains.

This milestone evidences Alstom's ability to support the
Municipality of Istanbul in its major program of City transport
development. According to the schedule that had been agreed
with the customer, Alstom delivered on 29 October 2008 the
first of the 20 Metropolis trainsets of the contract in record
time of 14 months. This exceptional schedule was achieved
thanks to a very effective project management, streamlined
sourcing processes and a unique industrial organization, based
on Alstoms new Train Project Team process.
In this way, the capacity of the finishing chain has been
doubled: the number of positions and work rates were increased,
allowing to work simultaneously on all the cars of the
trainset. A specific type tests organisation also contributed
to deliver the first trainset more quickly. Lastly, the
mobilization, commitment and coordination of all
Valenciennes staff and of the other seven Alstom sites
participating to the project were key in achieving this
exceptional delivery time.

The second trainset, which has also already been completed and
is undergoing the validation testing campaign, will be shipped
once the tests will be finished. In 2009, the deliveries of the
18 remaining trainsets will follow at the rate of 10 cars per
month. The last trainset will be delivered on October 2009.

10th anniversary of the Metropolis range

Delivery of the trainsets for the new Istanbul metro
starts as Alstom Transport celebrates the 10th anniversary of
the Metropolis range. Designed and developed in 1998 by the
engineers at Valenciennes, Metropolis has been able to evolve
along with the needs of customers, thanks to its modular
construction. The flexibility of the dimensions (in terms of
width and length) of its external design and its interior
fittings have made it possible to market Metropolis in Asia, in
Europe, in South America and in the Middle East. Since the
launch of the Metropolis range, 2,800 carriages have been sold
to the networks of Singapore, Nanjing, Warsaw, Barcelona,
Budapest, Istanbul, Santiago, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires and Santo

In Turkey Alstom has already delivered the rolling stock for
the first metro line in Istanbul, which was put into commercial
service in 2000. Alstom is the leader of the consortium in
charge of constructing the new railway line under the Bosphorus
called MARMARAY. Istanbul is also the first Turkish city to
have commissioned Alstom to produce 36 Citadis tramway

About Alstom Transport

With sustainable transport in mind, Alstom Transport
develops and offers the most complete range of systems,
equipment and services on the rail market. Alstom Transport is
capable of managing an entire transport system, from rolling
stock to signaling and infrastructure, as well as offering
turnkey solutions. In 2007-2008, Alstom Transport's turnover
was 5.5 billion and its orders increased by 39% over the
previous financial year. Alstom Transport is present in over 60
countries and has 26,000 employees. The company recruited 4,000
employees worldwide in 2007 and expects to hire a similar
number in 2008.

Press contacts:

Laurent Gerbet: +33 (0)1 41 66 92 83

Eric Lenoir +33 (0)1 41 66 98 74