Alstom signs a framework agreement with EDF to renovate
generators in nuclear power plants

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With unique expertise in conventional islands
for nuclear power plants, Alstom Power Service units in La
Courneuve and Belfort (France) will provide comprehensive project
management, including conceptual design, parts supply and site
work. The first generators rewinds are planned for 2010 at
Belleville and Chooz nuclear power plants.

Alstom is a long-standing partner of EDF, and
has delivered the entire fleet of turbo-generators installed in
its nuclear power plants. To ensure over the long term its
nuclear production, EDF has called upon Alstom to renovate its
equipment base. The EDF nuclear base consists in 58 nuclear
reactors, located at nineteen different sites, generating from
900 MW to 1,500 MW of electrical power per unit.

Alstom offers innovative solutions to respond
to its customers' quality and performance needs. The renovated
generators will benefit from advanced technology upgrades, such
as new stator bars based on hollow, stainless steel conductors.
This innovative solution will ease the constraints associated
with using copper, simplify maintenance and improve the
units availability.

"Through this new contract, EDF demonstrates its confidence
in Alstom , recognising the Groups skills and expertise in
nuclear power services",
said Marcel Mueller, Senior Vice
President for Europe and Africa, Alstom Power Service.

Press contact

Philippe Kasse, Stéphane
Farhi (Corporate)                        

Tel +33 1 41 49 29 82 /33 08 

Cécile Panaget (Power Service)

Tel + 33 1 41 49 25 83

Investor Relations     

Emmanuelle Châtelain

Tel + 33 1 41 49 37 38