The Virgin Pendolino constructed by Alstom passes the one
million miles mark

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The 52 trains in the Virgin fleet were built and are
maintained by Alstom since 2003. They are tilting trains, taken
from Alstoms Pendolino range, that operate
at a speed of 200km/h and each have a capacity of 439
passengers. The Virgin Pendolinos are equipped with Tiltronix
technology, a tilting system that enables passenger comfort to
be guaranteed at high speed on winding lines, in complete
safety. The regenerative braking system allows Virgins
Pendolinos to reduce their electricity consumption by 17%,
compared to a conventional braking system. The fleet is also
equipped with the e-train maintenance system,
which anticipates maintenance interventions thanks to a
transmission of datas by GPRS, and thus improves train

Since it was launched, in 1998, the Alstom Pendolino has proven
itself a genuine success story, with over 200 million
kilometres covered in commercial service in the world. It now
operates in 9 countries: the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany,
the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Slovenia, Portugal, Spain and
Finland. Russia will add its name to this list starting from
2010, with the opening of the high speed line between Saint
Petersburg and Helsinki.

About Alstom Transport

A promoter of sustainable mobility, Alstom Transport develops
and markets the most complete range of systems, equipment and
services in the railway market. Alstom Transports
strength lies in its ability to manage entire transport
systems, taking in the rolling stock, signalling and
infrastructure, and to offer turnkey solutions.
The companys sales over the 2006/07 financial year took
it to first place in the world railway transport market.

Press contact:

Cécile Dodat

Tel : + 33 (0)1 41 66 91 48 / + 33 (0)6 72 59 83 70