Patrick Kron pays tribute to Philippe Jaffré

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Philippe Jaffré, Executive Vice-President of Alstom,
passed away on 5 September 2007. His funeral will take place in
the strictest privacy.

Patrick Kron, Chairman and Chief Executive of Alstom, paid
tribute to Philippe Jaffré, Executive Vice-President of
the Group. In a message to employees, Patrick Kron emphasised
the essential role played by Philippe Jaffré in the
recovery of Alstom. When the Group was in a critical situation
in 2003 and 2004, Philippe Jaffré brought a vision,
expertise and availability which contributed decisively to
defining and implementing the solutions which allowed the
company to be saved. For more than two years, he struggled
against illness with the greatest of courage and dignity which
deserves the utmost respect and all this time remained very
active in the Company. Those who, like me, had the good fortune
to be close to him, appreciated his immense qualities. It is a
big loss for us all .

Patrick Kron and Alstoms employees offer their
condolences to Mrs. Jaffré, her children and family.

Philippe Jaffré was Chief Financial Officer at Alstom from
2002 to 2004. He then became Executive Vice-President of the