Alstom appoints UK energy expert Joan MacNaughton to advance clean power strategy

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Alstom has appointed Joan MacNaughton, one of the UK
governments former most senior energy advisors, to head up
its policy department and to spearhead its clean power

Miss MacNaughton was the architect of the UK's 2003 Energy
White Paper and the most senior official responsible for the
energy policy of the UK, as Director General, Energy, and
subsequently Director General, International Energy Security at
the Department of Trade & Industry.

Her appointment, as Senior Vice President Power &
Environmental Policies, illustrates the companys
commitment to clean power. Miss MacNaughton will help shape
Alstoms contribution to the energy debate.

For the past five years, Miss MacNaughton has played a key
role in shaping UK energy policy, delivering several major
changes and contributing to international energy policy,
including overseeing the energy agenda during UK Presidency of
the EU and leading the energy work agreed at the G8 Gleneagles
Summit. She was also Chair of the Governing Board of the
International Energy Agency, delivering a significant reform
programme during her two years in the post.

Philippe Joubert, Alstom Executive Vice-President and
President, Power Systems, said: We are pleased to have
Joan on board at a very important time in energy and
environmental policy-making. Her experience and expertise will
be valuable in our campaign to advance clean, sustainable
energy and reduce power generation CO2 emissions.

Miss MacNaughton is a Companion of the Order of Bath and a
Honorary Fellow of the Energy Institute.

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