Orders & Sales for the first quarter of fiscal year

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In the first quarter of the current fiscal
year, between 1 April and 30 June 2007, Alstom received orders
for 7.6 billion, an increase of 62% versus the first
quarter of fiscal year 2006/07. Over the same period, sales
reached 4.0 billion, up 27%.Orders received for the first quarter of
fiscal year 2007/08 included the 2.1 billion contract for
80 very high- speed trains in France, leading to a 148% increase
in orders for Transport. During the quarter, Power Systems
continued to register sound order growth (+27% versus the same
period last year), including several gas power plant projects.
Orders in Power Service increased by 19%, as a result of booking
numerous small-sized contracts.The total backlog, up to 35.9
billion, represents around 29 months of sales on 30 June
2007.Sales for the first quarter of fiscal year
2007/08 were strong, up 27% compared with the same period of the
previous year. They increased by 40% in Power Systems and by 23%
in Power Service versus the first quarter of fiscal year 2006/07,
while sales in Transport were up 15%. "
The level of orders booked during the first quarter 2007/08
confirms our good positioning across all our Sectors. This very
strong quarter, highlighted by a book to bill ratio close to 2,
included large contracts such as the very high speed trains in
Transport and turnkey gas projects in Power Systems but also a
very healthy level of small and medium-sized contracts in all our
businesses. Sales were strong as well, following the sound
commercial performance registered over the past periods. This
positive evolution gives us the confidence to record the
announced double-digit growth of our sales during the full year
said Patrick Kron, Chairman & Chief Executive
Officer of Alstom. 

  2006/07   2007/08
Actual figures             Variation
(in million) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4   Q1 Q1 / Q1
Orders received 4,694 4,970 4,684 4,681   7,624 +62%
Sales 3,189 3,419 3,420 4,180   4,047 +27%


Sector Review

Power SystemsOrder intake at 2.7 billion for the
first quarter of fiscal year 2007/08, was at a very high level,
with an increase of 27% versus the first quarter of last year, or
32%* on an organic basis. This confirms the combination of a
strong momentum in the power generation market and our good
positioning in this market.The main orders received in the first
quarter of fiscal year 2007/08 were for gas power plant projects,
including 15 gas turbines (out of which 6xGT26) in UK, Algeria,
Ireland, India, Kuwait as well as some hydro projects, notably in
Brazil. This strong order intake in gas during the quarter
illustrates the continuing success of our gas turbines
technology.Sales, at 1.8 billion, showed
substantial growth (+40% or +45%* on an organic basis) as
compared with the same period of last year, reflecting the high
level of orders booked during the past periods. Power ServiceOrder intake in the first quarter of fiscal
year 2007/08 amounted to 1.3 billion, up 19% (or +18%* on
an organic basis) versus the first quarter 2006/07. This increase
came from a large number of small-sized projects, notably in
North Africa, Europe and Asia, as only one operation and
maintenance long term contract was recorded.Sales, at 878 million, increased by
23% (or +21%* on an organic basis) versus the same period last
year. TransportOrders, at 3.6 billion in the first
quarter of fiscal year 2007/08, were up 148% as compared with the
first quarter 2006/07.The main orders received included very high
speed trains in France, a signalling system in Belgium, a
maintenance contract in UK, regional trains in France and
Germany, as well as metros in Brazil.In the first quarter of fiscal year 2007/08,
sales were at 1.4 billion, an increase of 15% compared to
the same period of last year.


With this strong commercial activity during
the first quarter of the fiscal year 2007/08 and the continuous
improvement of our operational performance, the financial
situation has thus been further strengthened and we can reiterate
our former objectives; i.e. that the operating margin for the
Group should exceed 7% in

March 2008; and that it should be over 8% in March 2010.    * Note: Currency & Scope impactsThe evolution of orders and sales as reported between the
first quarters of fiscal years 2006/07 and 2007/08 included a
slight currency translation effect as well as the disposal of
Industrial Boilers on 31 May 2006 in Power Systems and the
acquisitions of PSM, Sizhou and Strongwish in Power Service.
The organic figures adjust the reported figures for these
The reported figures by Sector are presented in Appendix 1.
A geographic breakdown of reported orders and sales is provided
in Appendix 2.

Press Contact  
Philippe Kasse, Stéphane Farhi
(Corporate)Tel: +33 1 41 49 29 82 / 33 08philippe.kasse@chq.alstom.comstephane.farhi@chq.alstom.com
Investor Relations  
Emmanuelle ChâtelainTel: + 33 1 41 49 37 38emmanuelle.chatelain@chq.alstom.com  

  This press release contains forward-looking
statements which are based on current plans and forecasts of
ALSTOMs management. Such forward-looking statements
are by their nature subject to a number of important risk and
uncertainty factors (such as those described in the documents
filed by ALSTOM with the French AMF) that could cause actual
results to differ from the plans, objectives and expectations
expressed in such forward-looking statements. These such
forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which
they are made, and ALSTOM undertakes no obligation to update
or revise any of them, whether as a result of new
information, future events or otherwise.
With regard to the quarterly financial
information, this press release should be read in conjunction
with press releases issued during the first quarter 2007/08
reflecting the main events of the period, notably the
Ecotècnia acquisition.
 Appendix 1 Sector Breakdown by
 Reported Figures (Unaudited)

  2006/07   2007/08
Orders received Var. Actual Var. Organic
(in million) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FY   Q1 Q1/Q1 Q1/Q1
Power Systems 2,161 2,874 2,968 1,532 9,535   2,747 27% 32%
Power Service 1,080 1,284 859 835 4,058   1,284 19% 18%
Transport 1,441 800 845 2,302 5,388   3,581 148% 147%
Corporate & Others 12 12 12 12 48   12 N/A N/A
Alstom 4,694 4,970 4,684 4,681 19,029   7,624 62% 65%


  2006/07   2007/08
Sales               Var. Actual Var. Organic
(in million) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FY   Q1 Q1/Q1 Q1/Q1
Power Systems 1,265 1,467 1,251 1,690 5,673   1,771 40% 45%
Power Service 711 773 827 887 3,198   878 23% 21%
Transport 1,202 1,168 1,330 1,588 5,288   1,386 15% 15%
Corporate & Others 11 11 12 15 49 12 11% 4%
Alstom 3,189 3,419 3,420 4,180 14,208   4,047 27% 28%

     Appendix 2 Geographic Breakdown Reported Figures (Unaudited)  

Orders received       Variation
(in million) Q1 2006/07 Q1 2007/08   Q1/Q1
Europe 2,776 4,972   79%
North America 634 791   25%
South & Central America 205 332   62%
Africa / Middle East 387 820   112%
Asia / Pacific 693 709   2%
TOTAL 4,694 7,624   62%