Four proposals for a new tram for Stockholm

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Parallel, Alstom has been carrying out a design study in
cooperation with the Institute of Design at Umeå
University, having a look at transport solutions and city

On May 31st, the four groups of students presented their
results to Alstom - four different proposals for a new tram for
Stockholm: a heritage-tram, a friendly tram, a transparent tram
and a double-deck tram. The whole group had been to both
Stockholm and Bordeaux before and had a look at the
architecture and city characteristics as well as the successful
new tramway in Bordeaux. This experience made up the basis for
their works.

Alstom representatives for the Nordic countries were present
in Umeå, as well as Xavier Allard, director of the Alstom
Design Department in Paris:

"All proposals have a futuristic approach - like using
technology not yet developed - but always taking the passenger
needs into consideration. Yet visionairy, the students work
contains parts that can be applied via the Citadis concept
already tomorrow. It is very positive for Alstom to carry out
projects like this, since it gives us ideas and knowledge vital
for shaping the tram of the future."

Decision makers from the city of Stockholm and the Stockholm
county council will be part of the evaluation of the proposals
from a Stockholm perspective.

The next step of the project will be to bring it to
Stockholm - the presentations, models and students - and
present it in an exhibition. This will also include a press
point and a seminar for stakeholders.