Alstom signs contract with global company E.ON to build
chilled ammonia based CO2 capture plant in Sweden for oil and

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Because CO2 is recognised as the main greenhouse gas
contributing to global warming, development of this technology
is an important milestone towards reducing power industry
carbon emissions. Alstoms chilled ammonia technology
uses ammonia to capture CO2 emissions that would normally
escape into the atmosphere and holds great promise for
achieving CO2 capture economically and with low energy loss.
This unprecedented demonstration will apply the technology to
oil and natural gas fuels and furthers Alstoms overall
technology development portfolio.

Research suggests that chilled ammonia-based CO2 capture can
remove up to 90% of the CO2 from flue gases. Although there are
several proposed techniques that can separate carbon dioxide
from the other gases, Alstoms chilled ammonia process
greatly reduces the amount of energy used to capture CO2. This
energy is referred to as an energy loss because the
plants energy output is reduced by the amount of energy
needed to remove the CO2. Studies demonstrate that
Alstoms technology results in an energy loss of
approximately 10% versus other methods of post-combustion CO2
separation, which result in losses of nearly 30%.

The Alstom/E.ON contract follows a similar agreement made
between Alstom and AEP (American Electric Power) in the U.S. to
develop a demonstration plant at a coal-fired power plant in
West Virginia and has a start date of 2008. A full scale CO2
capture demonstration plant is scheduled to follow at an AEP
site in Oklahoma in 2011. The Alstom chilled ammonia CO2
capture technology will also be demonstrated with We Energies
at a 15,000 tonnes per year pilot plant project at its Pleasant
Prairie plant, Wisconsin, in the US.

Philippe Joubert, President of Alstom Power Systems, said:
This contract with E.ON is further proof of
Alstoms leadership in CO2 capture technologies. The
challenge to produce clean power from fossil fuels is a global
priority and one that determines the technology development
choices at Alstom.

E.ON is one of the worlds largest investor-owned
energy services providers. Its 81,000 employees generated
just under EUR68 billion in sales in 2006. It is focused on
core power and gas business and its target markets: central
Europe, the United Kingdom, northern Europe and the
midwestern United States.

Alstom sets the benchmark for innovative, environmentally
friendly technologies in the world of power and rail
transport infrastructure. Alstom built the fastest train and
the highest capacity automated metro in the world, and
provides turnkey integrated power plant solutions and
associated services for a wide variety of energy sources,
including hydro, gas and coal. The Group employs more than
65,000 people in 70 countries, and had sales of 14.2
billion in 2006/07.


Philippe Kasse, Stéphane Farhi

Tel +33 1 41 49 29 82 /33

Gilles Tourvieille (Power)

Tel +33 1 41 49 27 13

Investor Relations

Emmanuelle Chatelain

Tel + 33 1 41 49 37 38