Appointments in Alstoms Transport Sector

Press Contacts

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Jean-Jacques Morin is appointed Senior Vice President,
Finance, Alstom Transport, effective 1st July 2007, replacing
Roland Kientz and reporting to Philippe Mellier. Jean-Jacques
Morin is currently Senior Vice President Finance of Alstom
Power Service. 

Roland Kientz, 51, started his career with Price Waterhouse
in 1977. He joined SKF in 1981 where he held various positions
in France, Sweden and Germany in the fields of Finance and
General Management. In 1996, he joined Crown Cork & Seal
Europe as Finance and Logistics Director for Aerosols and
Speciality Packaging division. In 1998, he was nominated Vice
President Finance of the Interior Systems Group of Faurecia.
Since November 2001, he has been Senior Vice President,
Finance, for Alstom Transport.

Jean-Jacques Morin, 43, started his career in 1987 at Deloitte
& Touche, then joined Motorola (1992-1999), where he held
several positions in control and financial planning. From 1999
to 2002, he was VP corporate controller, then VP Treasurer of
ON Semiconductor corp., a Motorola spin-off. In 2002, he joined
Communicant Technologies AG, a German start-up in
semiconductors, as Chief Financial Officer. He joined Alstom in
2005 as Senior Vice President, Finance, for the Power Service

Press contacts


Philippe Kasse, Stéphane Farhi (Corporate)

Tel +33 1 41 49 29 82 /33 08


Virginie Hourdin (Transport)

Tel +33 1 41 49 27 13