Alstom signs contract to supply 96 cars for São Paulo
Metro for around 182 millions euros

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The project foresees the manufacturing of the metro cars in
stainless steel, with conditioned air and with an internal
monitoring and signaling system. The vehicles will have internal
shining panels indicating the stations, as well as a dynamic line
map that will show, through a source of light, where the next
stop will be. In addition, the first and last cars in each train
will have seats for obese people, entrance for wheelchair users
and a closing system with shining doors for those who have
impaired hearing. Also, each car will have 4 cameras and smoke
detectors. The start of the development of the new cars (66 + 30
additional ones) is expected to happen in middle 2007 and the
delivery of the fleet, to take place in 30 months. In fulfilling this contract, Alstom will draw on its
expertise in the area of metro. One in four metros presently in
operation in the world is an Alstom metro. In total, more than
1,900 Metropolis coaches have been sold across the world in
cities such as Barcelona, Warsaw, Singapore, Buenos Aires and
Santiago de Chile.  About Alstom TransportAlstom Transport is world leader in very high-speed trains
and holds the No. 2 market position in urban rail transport. The
company has an 18% share of the full accessible rail transport
equipment and service market. With an annual turnover of 5.1
billion euros generating an operating margin of 6.3%, Alstom
Transport has established itself as the most profitable
integrated solutions provider in the industry. Its range of
offerings includes rolling stock products, rail infrastructure
equipment, signaling systems and maintenance services. Alstom
Transport employs 26 000 men and women serving customers in over
60 countries.