Alstom delivers the first two trams for the city of

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In all, Alstom will supply 30 trams between now and March
2008, to operate on line 1 of the Tunis tram. 18 kilometres long,
the line will link Tunis with Ben Arous. On-site tests will start
in April 2007. From May, the trams will be delivered at the rate
of three per month, for entry into commercial service in July

Measuring 30 metres in length, the unidirectional trams will
operate in the colours of Transtu (green-coloured coaches with a
white stripe in the middle).

The features of the product respond to Transtus desire to
offer its passengers the best possible quality of life while on



  • Integral low floor that improves access for people with
    reduced mobility

Passenger comfort

  • Primary suspension integrated into the wheels to reduce
    noise problems
  • Air conditioning in the driving cab and passenger

Safety/passenger information

  • Audio links: driver/local control point
  • Public address system and intercom link with the passenger
  • Bilingual (French/Arabic) interior and exterior
  • Exterior video rear view system
  • Interior video surveillance system

The Tunis Citadis tram has been designed and is being
manufactured entirely by Alstom Transports sites at Tarbes
(traction drive), Le Creusot (bogies), Ornans (motors),
Villeurbanne (on-board electronic systems) and La Rochelle
(design and integration).

Tunis is the first city on the African continent to equip itself
with Citadis trams.

To date, 870 Citadis trams have been ordered by 24 cities around
the world and another 30 cities have a trams project scheduled
for the next 3 years. Trams are now well on their way to becoming
the urban transport solution of choice because they make it
possible to offer sustainable mobility, to rethink and
re-energize urban space, to preserve architectural heritage and
contribute to city growth. Between now and 2009, Alstom expects
to pass the 1,000 mark in terms of Citadis trams sold across the

Press contact:

Clotilde Provost

Tel.: + 33 (1) 41 66 91 43