Alstom Hydro to refurbish plants in Latvia and Sweden

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Alstom Hydro* has been awarded two contracts worth 36 million euros for
the upgrading and refurbishment of power plants in Latvia and Sweden.

The first contact is for the refurbishment, supervision of erection and commissioning of two turbines (units 5 and 7) and three generators of (units 4, 5 and 7) at the Plavinas hydropower plant in Latvia, owned by Latvenergo, the Latvian state-owned power utility. The scope of supply covers new Francis runners, governors, stators with new winding, excitation systems, control and  protection systems. The first unit is scheduled for delivery in  March 2008 and the last in 2010.

Plavinas, located on the Daugava river about 100 kms east of the capital, Riga, is  the largest power plant in the country with a power output of 850 MW representing 50% of Latvias total installed power generation. The plant was commissioned in 1965-66 and, during the last 10 years, Latvenergo has carried out a comprehensive refurbishment program at the plant, including the upgrade of units 2,4,8, which was contracted to Alstom Hydro.  The present contract is for the final refurbishment work at Plavinas.  The work will increase the output of the turbines and generators from 85 MW to 90 MW and from 97 to 105 MVA respectively.

The second contract is from Vattenfall Indalsälven AB for the refurbishment of generator unit G2 in Näverede Hydro Power station, Sweden.  The work includes equipping the unit with new stator, rotor, brushless excitation system and closed cooling system, similar to the scope of unit G1 in the same station, which was successfully refurbished by ALSTOM Hydro in 2003.  The unit is to be completed by December 2009.

*Alstom Hydro is a joint venture between Alstom and Bouygues, set up in 2006 

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