Alstom and RENFE create a joint venture in Spain in the
area of maintenance

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Drawing on the expertise of Alstom Transport Train Life
Services (TLS) and RENFE-Integria, IRVIA will provide
high-technology services, covering the maintenance of rolling
stock and the repair of powerful, latest-generation electrical
and electronic equipment.

Initially, the new company will handle the maintenance of Civia
suburban trains, manufactured in Alstoms factory at
Santa Perpetua de Mogoda, near Barcelona. It will also handle
maintenance of the Alstom Alaris high-speed tilting trains that
operate the Madrid-Valencia service. In the future, RENFE and
Alstom plan to expand the activities of IRVIA to the
maintenance of other rolling stock. IRVIA will thus become a
supplier capable of offering high-technology services to the
Spanish railway market.

Alstom Transport maintenance activity

Alstom Transports Services activity
includes maintenance, modernisation and the supply of spare
parts. Maintenance, which accounts for more than 20% of Alstom
Transports sales, is one of the businesses with the
biggest potential for growth over the next 10 years with the
opening up to competition of freight and passengers transport.

In this area, Alstom has secured major contracts in recent
years to handle the maintenance of freight locomotives for BNSF
(United States), of the fleet of Pendolinos in service on the
West Coast Main Line (United Kingdom) and the fleet of London
and Bucharest metros as well as Citadis tramways in Barcelona
or Reims. In addition, Alstom has been supplying spare parts of
the ACELA Express of Amtrak, the national railway operator in
the United States since 2006, and was awarded a contract in
2005 to modernise the Spanish AVE (high-speed train).

Press contact

Philippe Kasse (Corporate) Cécile Dodat

Tel +33 1 41 49 29 82 /33 08 Tel +33 1 41 66 91 43

Investor Relations

Emmanuelle Châtelain

Tel + 33 1 41 49 37 38