On the occasion of the Fete des Transports in
Lyon, Alstom will celebrate with SYTRAL the 1,000the CitadisTM

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To celebrate the event, a TCL (Transports en Commun
Lyonnais) tramway, painted in the colours of the 1,000th
CITADIS, will be exhibited in front of Part Dieu station, on
Saturday 27 October. Philippe Mellier, CEO of Alstom Transport,
accompanied by Bernard Rivalta, President of SYTRAL, will take
advantage of the occasion to thank the citizens of Lyon for
their trust and praise the partnership with the TCL network,
which has been contributing for over 30 years to sustainably
developing the mobility of the citys inhabitants.

Lyon, a tramway network that serves as a reference
point, worldwide

Algiers, Barcelona Bordeaux, Dublin, Istanbul, Lyon, Melbourne,
Paris, Rotterdam, Tunis... in 10 years, 25 cities have chosen
Alstom technology to equip their tramway networks. This success
can be explained by the many benefits that CITADIS brings in a
context of exponential urban growth and strong environmental
constraints. In Lyon as elsewhere, the tramway makes it
possible to develop sustainable mobility, to ensure genuine
quality of service, to rethink and bring new vitality to urban
space, to preserve architectural heritage and contribute to the
growth of cities. With over 1,000 CITADIS trainsets sold across
the world since the range was launched in 1997, local
authorities have evidenced their trust in Alstom to support
their policy of developing modern, urban transport in an
approach of long-term partnership.

SYTRAL, which, in ordering a number of new trainsets, has
enabled Alstom to pass the 1,000 CITADIS sold mark, had already
chosen Alstom in 1998 to supply the infrastructure, signalling
and a fleet of 47 tramways destined for the two first lines, T1
and T2. For the first time anywhere in the world, a network was
equipped with tramways with an integral low floor. In 2004,
SYTRAL once more called on Alstom to provide the track and
signalling and to supply 10 additional trainsets for the T3
line, known as LEA. In June 2007, 13 new
trainsets were ordered for a future line, T4. Today, with a
fleet of 73 trainsets, greater Lyons tramway network
serves as a worldwide point of reference.

Alstom, firmly committed to the Rhone-Alpes

Alstom Transport employs 600 people at its site at
Villeurbanne, which it has operated for almost 25 years, around
forty of whom work directly in manufacturing the high
technology components that equip the Lyon tramways. A worldwide
Centre of Excellence for on-board electronic systems, Alstom
Villeurbanne designs and manufactures the software and
electronic cards that contribute to the reliability and safety
of the tramways, as well as to passenger comfort.

Also committed to the promotion of alternative methods of
transport, management at the site signed a company travel plan
(PDE) with SYTRAL in October 2006. For the past year, over 130
employees (22% of staff) have been able to take advantage of
the PDE, contributing to a reduction in car traffic in Greater
Lyon. In the same dynamic, Alstoms establishment at
Villeurbanne participated, on October 16, in the inter-company
cycle challenge organized by the Pignon sur Rue
association. The objective: to encourage employees to come to
work on their bikes.

From the metro to the tram-train, over 30 years of
partnership between Alstom and greater Lyon

Alstom has been participating in the extension of the urban
transport network in greater Lyon for over 30 years. The story
began in 1975, with the rubber-tyred metro. Alstom also handled
project management on line 3. Faced with a genuine technical
challenge due to the steep slopes to be negotiated, Alstom was
able to overcome it thanks to the use of a special bogie
adapted to the rack system. The 1980s saw the birth of
integrated automated control on line D, a first worldwide.
Then, it was the renovation of the tramway at the end of the
1990s. Ten years later, three tramway lines serve greater Lyon,
representing around 10% of traffic. Alstom also supplied and
installed the 34 kilometres of track, as well as the automation
and the signalling of the 26 junctions on line T3, and the 26
kilometres of ballasted track used on this
high-speed tramway.

So as to respond to the growing need for fluidity of transport
in Lyon, Alstom has once more innovated with the CITADIS
DualisTM trainset. 24 trainsets will be supplied by 2010 to
operate on the network in western Lyon. With a design based on
the CITADIS tramway, the Dualis version will provide the link
between the city and the suburbs, without the need to
re-embark, by reconciling the advantages of the train and the
tramway. CITADIS Dualis picks up on the essential
characteristics that have made the CITADIS such a success:
modularity, accessibility, reliability.

Innovation in the service of passengers and their

Alstom continually innovates, with one constant consideration:
to preserve the environment. Thanks to its electric propulsion
system, the tramway represents the non-polluting mode of
transport par excellence. One CITADIS tramway can transport the
equivalent of three busloads and 150 cars and consumes 4 times
less than a bus and 10 times less than a car (in kWh/seated
passenger). As for polluting emissions, their level is 12 times
lower than that of a car. Silent-running, CITADIS tramways can
be recycled to a level of over 90% at the end of their working

Alstom Transport places the subjects of innovation and
sustainable development at the heart of its range of products,
services and equipment. Its proposition is designed to
reconcile efficiency with the economic performance of
transport, technological innovation in the service of
passengers, and issues relating to sustainable development.
This strategy responds to the desire of the Alstom Group to
shape the future while preserving the planet.

About Alstom Transport

A promoter of sustainable mobility, Alstom Transport develops
and markets the most complete range of systems, equipment and
services in the railway market. Alstom Transports
strength lies in its ability to manage entire transport
systems, taking in the rolling stock, signalling and
infrastructure, and to offer turnkey solutions.
Alstom Transports sales over the 2006/07 financial year
took it to 1st place in the world transport market.

Press contacts:
Pauline Rey +33 (0) 4 72 81 58 65 / +
33 (0) 6 82 75 40 34


Eric Lenoir +33 (0) 1 41 66 98 74
