Alstom confirms its commitment to the employment of
disabled people

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With this agreement, Alstom Transport France has confirmed
its commitment to favouring the recruitment, integration and
training of disabled people and helping them to remain in work,
as well as to increasing the amount of work sub-contracted to
the protected sector (centres providing the
disabled with work experience, and companies employing a
certain percentage of disabled staff).

In terms of employment, Alstom Transport France plans to
recruit one disabled worker per year at each of its 12 sites
for a period of 3 years, across all levels and qualifications
and with the emphasis on unlimited term contracts. In 2006, the
company signed contracts with 12 disabled people.

As regards the integration and training of disabled employees,
numerous contacts have been set up between the sites and a
range of specialized institutions, with a view to providing the
best possible welcome to trainees, temporary workers and
disabled employees of Alstom Transport. Adaptation of
workstations and access to shared areas (putting in place
access ramps, adaptations to the toilets, setting aside parking
spaces and so on) is underway at a number of sites. In
addition, disabled employees will be given preferential access
to training.

In respect of helping disabled staff hold down their job, the
employees in question will benefit from the implementation of
specific working structures, adaptations linked to ergonomics
(such as purchasing telephone amplifiers, and special office
chairs), adjustments to the working schedule and help in
purchasing equipment (e.g. hearing aids and car equipment).
Other measures foreseen include help in meeting accommodation
and transport costs and paid authorized absence for the
disabled employee or for employees with a disabled partner or

Lastly, sub-contracting and the purchasing of materials and
services from the protected sector will be
stepped up at Alstom Transport Frances sites, in
particular by placing companies designated as
Entreprises Adaptées (i.e. that employ a set
percentage of disabled people) on the lists of approved
suppliers. During 2006, Alstom Transport France purchased a
number of services from the protected sector in this way.

The agreement on the recognition, provision of support in
finding work for and professional development of disabled
people forms part of the Care for People
initiative put in place two years ago by the Alstom group. This
initiative is based on a number of core principles, such as
treating each person fairly and equality of opportunity. It
also encourages Alstom employees to adopt behaviour such as
recognizing and respecting difference as a source of enrichment
and treating each person with respect and impartiality.

Press contact:

Cécile Dodat

Tel: + 33 (0)1 41 66 91 48