Alstom awarded two contracts worth a total of over 55
million euros

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These awards relate to phase 1 (4.3km) of metro line 3, which,
starting in 2022, will link the district of Embaba to the
citys airport. Once completed, the line will be 33km long.

Alstom previously supplied the both signalling and
electromechanical equipment for lines 1 and 2 of Cairos
metro system. This most recent order strengthens Alstoms
position in Egypt, at a time when the country has committed
itself to a vast range of rail transport projects.

In fulfilling this contract, Alstom will draw on its expertise in
the area of metro systems. One in four metros presently in
operation in the world is an Alstom metro. Among other major
projects currently underway, Alstom Transport has, since 1998,
built and equipped Singapores metro system the
most extensive, completely automatic metro in the world; and
since 2003, Lausannes metro system in Switzerland. In
China, Alstom Transport is upgrading the signalling on
Beijings line 2 metro system, to be ready in time for the
Olympic Games in 2008.

  About Alstom TransportWorld leader in very high-speed trains and No. 2 in urban
transport, Alstom Transport has an 18% share of the world rail
transport market. With a turnover of 5.1 billion euros and an
operating margin of 6.3%, Alstom Transport has established
itself as the most profitable manufacturer in its marketplace.
Its range of products and services takes in rolling stock,
infrastructure equipment, signalling and maintenance. With a
presence in over 60 countries, Alstom Transport has 26,000
   Press contactCécile Dodat

Tel +33 1 41 66 91