APS wins innovation award

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The APS was competing in the Energy / Environment category,
against the likes of Bombardier, Siemens and Volvo. The trophy
rewards Transport’s commitment to integrate public
transport into the urban environment. For local authorities,
the tramway today is no longer simply a means of transport; but
increasingly, a means of revitalizing urban planning and
preserving the architectural heritage of a city.

Ground-level power (APS), premiered by ALSTOM’s
CITADIS tram in Bordeaux (France), enables the tram to
circulate “wire-free” over any distance. Developed
and marketed exclusively by ALSTOM, APS meets three fundamental
criteria :

  • Preservation of the urban environment and heritage of
    historic cities,
  • Complete safety for pedestrians and cyclists,
  • Performances equal to those of conventional tramways in
    terms of both speed and comfort.

ALSTOM was selected by a panel of experts comprised of

  • ADEME - French government agency for energy and the
  • DRAST - the Ministry of Transport’s department of
    research, scientific and technical affairs,
  • Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne,
  • INREST - the French national institute for transport
    research and safety.

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