ALSTOM chosen to supply Algiers' first tramway, a 225
million euros project

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This project is part of the Algerian Government's
development programme to meet the increasing demand for public
transport and reduce traffic congestion in the Algerian
capital. Algiers' first tramway line, which will link the city
centre to the Eastern part of the capital, will be 16.3 km long
with 30 stations.

It was designed to transport 150,000 passengers daily. The
first trainsets will enter into service 30 months after the
contract takes effect. 

As a supplier of global solutions, ALSTOM will provide a
turnkey system comprising the rolling stock, the tracks, the
power supply system, the traction electrification, the
signalling system and control equipment, part of the civil
works and a workshop. ALSTOM has long experience in this field
with references including the Barcelona tram and the KTX
high-speed train for Korea. 

Since the development of the first CITADIS in 1996, ALSTOM
has sold 778 CITADIS cars to more than 20 cities around the
world including Paris, Strasbourg, Lyon, Madrid, Rotterdam,
Dublin, Melbourne, Tenerife and Tunis.

Press information :

Susanne Trabitzsch

Tél. + 33 (0) 1 41 66 97 16