Presidential welcome for CITADIS tram in Mulhouse

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Two tram lines (East to West and North to South), totalling 12
km, will be served by 27 CITADIS trainsets, connecting 24
stations to the town centre. “Our tram will be an
extraordinary lever for urban transformation, which will bring a
sense of pride to the people of Mulhouse”, commented
Jean-Marie Bockel, Mayor of Mulhouse.

The CITADIS, in conjunction with a modernised bus network is
intended to, “stop the car-only mentality”, he
continued, public transport today accounting for only 13% of
daily journeys in the town.

Tramway solutions contribute significantly to a city’s
sustainable development programmes : limiting the greenhouse
effect, economic growth (thanks to improved lifestyle), and
reducing neighbourhood isolation.

By 2010, the Mulhouse tramway will have been extended to an
almost 20 km-long network, and should carry up to 87 000
passengers per day.

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