People Quest second edition held in Rio

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The event, organised in partnership with local universities,
gathered together 80 high potential managers from the Latin
American region. People Quest aims to establish key managerial
practises, by providing managers with fundamental and
cross-functional training modules, and to heighten team spirit
across the region and so create the conditions for effective

During the training programme, attendees participated in
sessions on :

- Finance for non Financial Managers

- Situational Leadership Applied

- Project Management Fundamental

- Positive Power and Influence

As well as ALSTOM Transport managers, four professors and
students from local universities also participated. Eight
students from the Instituto Technologico de Buenos Aires
(Argentina), the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
(Brazil), the Escola Politécnica da Universidade de
São Paulo (Brazil) and the Universidad Técnica
Federico Santa Maria (Santiago, Chile) have been selected
to enter ALSTOM Transport’s « Young Graduate »
programme. Here, they will train for 18 to 24 months before
joining the company as employees in their own right.

Latin-Amercian and European press were present at the event,
and also had the opportunity to visit the Lapa site in Brazil,
and to meet with Philippe Mellier and François

The third and fourth editions of People Quest will be held
in Turin (November 2006) and Canada (March 2007).

For more information on People Quest, please
contact us