First ever ETCS-equipped freight loco on Dutch railway

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The ALSTOM V100 locomotive was handed over to ProRail, the
rail infrastructure body that will test ALSTOM’s ERTMS
system on the Betuweroute freight corridor. The Betuweroute is
the first newly built, dedicated freight track in Europe equipped
with ERTMS.

ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) is a European
standard that aims to replace the 20 different signalling systems
currently in use around Europe. ETCS, an integral part of ERTMS,
is a train-based computer that compares the speed of the train
with the maximum permitted speed and slows down the train
automatically if necessary.

The driver who drove the locomotive from Rotterdam to Utrecht,
praised its performance. “The track was uneven and very
windy but this loco took it smoothly and at high speed. It is a
beautiful locomotive !”

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