Alstom and Sytral, long-term partners serving Lyons
metro passengers

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A comprehensive infrastructure, signalling and tramway

Using its own teams, Alstom supplied and installed the 34km of
track that makes up the LEA line. The line stands out from all
other French tramway networks on account of its 26km-long
ballasted section, which called for tracklaying methods more
commonly used on main railway lines. Entirely devoted to the
tramway, this section did not call for the mixture of concrete,
paving stones and grassy areas which trams, road traffic and
pedestrians typically share. Alstom was able to win this, its
first CITADIS contract in France, on account of its
expertise and a portfolio of similar projects around the world.

Working as part of a consortium headed by CEGELEC, Alstom
supplied the signalling and automation for the 26 junctions which
the LEA line crosses. The award of the contract served as
confirmation of the trust held by the customer in Alstom, which
had already installed the signalling on its T1 and T2 lines. In
addition, the contract called for the supply of 10 new integral
low-floor tramsets for the T3 line.

57 tramways in Alstoms colours

To coincide with the opening of the T3 line, SYTRAL opted to
display the Alstom logo across its tramway fleet. Badging its
trams in this way serves to reveal the identity of the designer
and manufacturer, demonstrate the quality of the product and
convey a promise of reliability and high performance. Discreet
and elegant, it leaves the operator total freedom to cover the
trams in the traditional colours of its network.

As in Grenoble and Valenciennes and soon in Paris,
Toulouse and Reims by displaying the manufacturers
logo on its tramsets, Lyon has chosen to express in this way its
confidence in the expertise and technological know-how of Alstom.

Lyon, the largest Citadis fleet operating in

With the acquisition of these 10 new tramsets, to add to the 47
integral low-floor tramways already in service, the Lyon
metropolitan area is now home to the largest fleet of Citadis
tramsets currently operating in France. The 57 tramsets it
currently owns will be added to with the delivery of an
additional 13 units with confirmation of the order
expected by March 2007 for the citys T4 line.

This contract serves as further confirmation of the international
success of CITADIS tramways, since their launch in 1997. A total
of 865 tramsets have been ordered so far, with around 450 already
in commercial service.

Alstom Transport a complete range of solutions to
help bring people together

Alstom Transport develops and markets the most complete range of
systems, equipment and services in the railway market. The leader
in high-speed, express and tilting trains, Alstom ranks second
worldwide in the urban transport market (tramways and metros),
regional and inter-regional trains, signalling, infrastructure
equipment and all associated services.

Press contacts:

Clotilde Provost

Tel: + 33 (0)1 41 66 91 43

Hélène Marliangeas

Tel: + 33 (0)5 62 53 47 90

Main features of the LEA-line contract

Rolling stock

The Lyon metropolitan tramways are taken from the CITADISTM range
of bi-directional, integral low-floor vehicles.

Tramset composition


  • 5 modules made up of 2 power cars, one at either end, 2
    suspended cars and 1 elevator platform
  • Tramset length: 32.42 metres
  • Width: 2.40 metres


  • Seats: 56
  • Standing capacity: 145
  • Total capacity: 201


  • Integral low floor
  • Sliding steps
  • 4 double and 2 single access doors per side

Passenger comfort

  • Air conditioning (driving cab and passenger
  • Generous glass windows
  • Visual and audio information

Driving and operating aids:

  • Audio links: 1 intercom unit per door
  • Public address system and intercom links with the passenger
  • Exterior rear-view video
  • Interior video surveillance system

Technical features:

  • Top speed: 70 km/h
  • Power: 4 x 120 kW (continuous operation)