ALSTOM provides electrical equipment for 13 new regional
trains from BLS AG

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The order, which amounted to 59 million euros, also included
an option for twenty more trains. ALSTOMs share of this
contract is 34 %, or around 20 million euros, not including
options. The 62 meter-long trains each have 193 seats, and are
air-conditioned. With their four motorized axles, they have an
output of 1 MW, which means they can reach a maximum speed of 160
kilometers per hour. ALSTOM Ridderkerk (Netherlands) is supplying the electrical
equipment (drive train, control systems and auxiliary drives).
The carriages will be built in Bombardier Transportations
factory in Villeneuve, Switzerland. The new trains will be commissioned in December 2008. *** ALSTOM is a global leader for power generation and rail
transport infrastructure. The company sets the standards for
innovative and environmentally friendly technology. ALSTOM is
renowned for its high-speed trains and its state-of-the-art,
fully automatic underground trains. The company also installs
turnkey integrated power plant solutions and offers a wide
range of power plant services for a comprehensive selection of
energy sources, such as hydroelectric, gas and coal. The ALSTOM
group employs 60,000 staff in 70 countries and achieved revenue
of more than 20 billion Swiss francs in the business year
 *** For press queries, contactALSTOM (Switzerland) LtdSimone RamserDirector of Communications and Press SpokeswomanTel.:+41 (0)56 205 96 00, Fax:+41 (0)56 205 52