Santa Perpetua site has recently delivered the last unit of
Tenerife Tramway project

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The service is expected to begin by the end of March 2007,
uniting Santa Cruz de Tenerife and La Laguna, a stretch of 12,5
Km. with 21 stations. The cars will have a maximum capacity of
200 passengers and will reach a maximum speed of 70 km/h.

Given the special features of the Tenerife island, climatic
and geographical, with rail tracks on steep slopes has made it
necessary to design the units 100% motorized, ie. All bogies of
the vehicles are motors, which guarantees its performance under
any condition and at full passenger capacity.

In addition to the Santa Perpetua de Mogoda site
participating in this project, so have those of La Rochelle, Le
Creusot and Tarbes.