Alstom signs power plant upgrade and retrofit contract with Eskom in South Africa

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Alstom has won a contract worth 110 million euros to refurbish the 2,100
MW Arnot coal-fired power plant in South Africa, and increase its power
output by 300 MW to 2,400 MW. The plant is owned by state-owned utility
company Eskom.

For each of Arnots six steam generating units, Alstom will carry out a complete retrofit for the high pressure and intermediate pressure steam turbines, a capacity upgrade of the low pressure steam turbine and the replacement and upgrade of associated turbine side pumps and auxiliaries. In addition, Alstom will carry out major upgrading works to the boiler plant, including supply of new pressure part components, new burners, and modification to other equipment such as the coal mills and classifiers, fans and heaters.

The first unit is scheduled to be completed by December 2007 and the last unit by December 2010.

Alstom was able to offer Eskom an integrated plant retrofit approach for this complex power plant project, which encompasses many major generating plant components such as boilers and turbines. The Arnot capacity increase project (ACIP) is the first combined capacity increase and retrofit project in South Africa.

Philippe Joubert, President of Alstoms Power Turbo-Systems/Power Environment Sector, said: "This new contract represents a significant milestone in the historically strong relationship between Alstom and Eskom. This demonstrates our unique ability to offer an integrated solution involving all the major components of a retrofit project - boilers, steam turbines...This solution allows us to offer Eskom a better competitiveness as well as an environmentally  friendly power plant." 

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