Modernisation of Brazilian hydro plant

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An ALSTOM-led consortium* has won a 150 million euro contract to modernise a hydroelectric plant in Brazil for Brazilian utility Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A.

The contract, worth around 50 million euros to ALSTOM, is for the modernisation of six generating units (1,050 MW) at the Luiz Carlos Barreto de Carvalho power plant, located in Pedregulho, Sao Paolo state. The work will not only increase reliability of the plant by replacing equipment installed more than 30 years ago, but will also enable remote operation of the plant.

The refurbishment of each generation unit will take around seven months and is due to finish by 2010.

In addition to managing the consortium, ALSTOM will be in charge of modernising the six generators, six speed regulation systems, and the digital control and telecommunications systems at the plant. The components will be manufactured in the companys factory in Taubaté and assembled on site, with engineering and manufacturing services for the new speed regulation systems supported by ALSTOM in France.

Frederic Schneider-Maunoury, managing director of ALSTOMs Hydro Power Business, said: ALSTOM is present in more than 80% of the hydroelectric power plant modernisations carried out in Brazil in recent years. This project underlines the companys excellence in project management for service contract managing.

*Consortium members are: ALSTOM Brasil Ltda., GE Hydro Inepar do Brasil Ltda., Camargo Corrêa Equipamentos e Sistemas S.A. , Construções e Comércio Camargo Corrêa S.A., Construtora Norberto Odebrecht S.A., Engevix Engenharia S.A. and CNEC Engenharia S.A. 

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