Five new ALSTOM trains to be delivered for winter olympics
in Turin

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During the Games they will link Caselle airport with city
stations. These new trains, designed and manufactured by ALSTOM
in Italy, belong to the ALSTOM CORADIA family of regional trains
and are of the same basic design as the CORADIA trains which are
being supplied to Trenitalia and called Minuetto by
them. They are 51.9 metres long, 2.9 metres wide and can
transport a total of 300 passengers.

ALSTOMs site in Savigliano is completing on schedule
the construction of the first five trains of a total of 10 ; the
first one will be delivered in November 2005 and the other four
trains by the end of 2005. The remaining 5 trains will be
delivered by June 2006.

The trains form part of a 37.5-million-euro investment
programme by the Piémont Region. The agreement includes an
option for 9 more trains, for a total investment of approximately
Euro 71.2 million.

The three-car trains ensure easy access, with lift ramps for
the mobility-impaired, maximum comfort and safety. The cars are
large and comfortable and are equipped with a number of
accessories such as ergonomic seats, double air conditioning
system, 220 V sockets, a video control system, an audio visual
system for passenger information, a multifunctional area for
bicycles and skis and a toilet suitable also for the

Emilio Gallocchio, managing director of ALSTOM Ferroviaria and
country president of ALSTOM Itay, said:
Trains belonging to the CORADIA family are excellent,
tested throughout the world and especially conceived for regional
transport. We are thus very proud of this supply to GTT, fully in
line with the standards and time schedule requested by the

With more than 35 product lines and a presence in more than 60
countries, ALSTOM's Transport sector offers complete products and
services for new rolling stock, signaling, and electrical and
mechanical infrastructure as well as maintenance and
rehabilitation services to four distinct types of customers:
urban transit authorities and operators; intercity passenger rail
operators and rolling stock owners; rail freight operators; and
intercity railway infrastructure owners. ALSTOM's Transport
sector, with sales of 5.1 billion euros in financial year
2004-2005, is among the world's leading suppliers to the railway

Press information :

Susanne Trabitzsch

Tél. + 33 (0) 1 41 66 97 16