ALSTOM Power Sweden in Västerås modernises
hydroelectric power generators in Sweden and Finland

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The Järkvissle power station in Indalsälven in
Jämtland was built between 1956 and 1959 and is owned by
Vattenfall. ALSTOM has now got the order to modernise aggregate
nr. 1's generator. By installing a totally new stator as well
as changing the rotor poles and the peripheral equipment, the
operation of the power station can be guaranteed for at least
another 40 years. The work, which will mainly take place at the
plant site, is going to start around the turn of the year
2005/2006 and the aggregate is supposed to be ready to be set
into operation in November 2006.

ALSTOM did the same job for aggregate nr. 2  in

Furthermore, ALSTOM got the order to modernise a generator
at the Merikose power station in Ouloälven in Northern
Finland. The customer is the Finnish Oulun Energia. The order
includes the complete installation of a new stator. The work at
the station will be going on from February till August

At Sydkraft's power station Hammarforsen in
Indalsälven, ALSTOM will modernise a generator that was
installed in 1926. Plates, winding and rotor will be changed.
The work is going to be finished in autumn 2006.

"The new orders, which we took home in spite of the hard
international competition, shows the customers' confidence in
our modern technique and our competence in modernising
generators", says Peter Fröst, sales manager for the
Nordic market.