SNCF orders a further 24 double-deck cars for regional
express trains in an order worth 45 million euros

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The follow-on order corresponds to an option in a contract
signed in November 2000 and follows swiftly on from an order
for 66 cars announced on June 21st.

The 6 four-car trainsets will serve the region of

Delivery of the first order is expected to begin at the end
of 2006. The four-car trainsets have a capacity of 450
passengers and a speed of 160 kph. In partnership with ALSTOM,
Bombardier will also participate in the manufacture of the
trains. ALSTOM’s sites in Valenciennes, Tarbes,
Villeurbanne, Le Creusot and Ornans in France and Charleroi in
Belgium are all involved in executing the contract.

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and rehabilitation services to four distinct types of
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passenger rail operators and rolling stock owners; rail freight
operators; and intercity railway infrastructure owners.
ALSTOM's Transport sector, with sales of 5.1 billion euros in
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suppliers to the railway industry.


Helen Connolly

Tel: + 33 (0)1 41 66 91 43