Fiscal year 2004-2005 results

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During fiscal year 2004 -2005, ALSTOM Transport booked 5 490 million euros in new orders, placing the company in the number one position amongst suppliers to the world's rail transport industry. At year end (on 31st March 2005), the company's order backlog stood at 14 489 million euros.

Sales for the year were 5 134 million euros, up 6% over the previous year, generating a operating margin at 5.1%. This is a significant result in a global market which has seen a 10% downturn in the same period. It also places ALSTOM Transport in the number one position for profitability among its world-class train-building competitors.

The breakdown of ALSTOM Transport sales 2004-2005 is as follows:

  • by region:
    • Americas = 12%
    • Asia Pacific = 13%
    • North Europe = 31%
    • South Europe = 44%


  • by product line:
    • Rolling stock = 57%
    • Train life services, including renovation, maintenance and parts = 23%
    • Signaling solutions = 12%
    • Infrastructure = 3%
    • Systems = 5%


ALSTOM Transport booked key orders in the rolling stock business in Europe, the Americas and Asia:

  • in France, orders for 84 CITADIS trams for Nice, Le Mans and Lyons (also infrastructure) with a combined value of 252 million euros,
  • in Spain, 20 CITADIS trams for Tenerife and 70 for Madrid with a combined value of 200 million euros,
  • in the USA, 120 heavy rail metro cars for Washington with a value of 150 million euros,
  • in Chile, 85 metro cars plus maintenance, signalling and train control for Santiago with a value of 110 million euros,
  • in China, 180 freight locomotives for the Ministry of transport in cooperation with Datong Electric Locomotive Co and 480 EMU cars for the Ministry of Transport in cooperation with Changchung Railway company and Rolling stock works. These two contracts total over 1 billion euros for ALSTOM.

Commenting on these positive results, Philippe Mellier, president of ALSTOM Transport, said: "The ALSTOM Transport results demonstrate our leading position across world markets. We have made a strong contribution to ALSTOM's recovery and are on track to deliver our commitment this year: 7% operating margin by end March 2006."

He also confirmed the company’s objective is to win more orders in Asia. ALSTOM Transport is aiming to secure a leading share of China's high-speed train market which is expected order up to 3000 cars in the next 2 to 3 years.

ALSTOM's highly innovative ground power supply system installed on sections of the tramlines in the French city of Bordeaux achieved contractual targets for reliability (99.8%) following an initial period of testing and debugging.

Emilio Gallocchio, managing director of ALSTOM Transport in Italy and ALSTOM Country President, announced that the Transport business in Italy had booked orders worth over € 1 billion last year, including several orders for signalling equipment and regional trains for Italy and China

With more than 35 product lines and a presence in more than 60 countries, ALSTOM's Transport sector offers complete products and services for new rolling stock, signaling, and electrical and mechanical infrastructure as well as maintenance and rehabilitation services to four distinct types of customers: urban transit authorities and operators; intercity passenger rail operators and rolling stock owners; rail freight operators; and intercity railway infrastructure owners. ALSTOM's Transport sector, with sales of 5.1 billion euros in financial year 2004-2005, is among the world's leading suppliers to the railway industry.

Press contacts:

In Italy :
Manuela Bozzolan
Tel: + 39 02 5414 443 

Head office:
Helen Connolly
Tel : + 33 (0) 1 41 66 91 43 

Susanne Trabitzsch
Tel. + 33 (0) 1 41 66 97 16