Recovery Boiler ESP for Stora Enso Kemijärvi Pulp Mill, Finland

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ALSTOM will clean
the recovery boiler flue gases at Kemijärvi Pulp Mill.

Environmental Control Systems at ALSTOM Finland Oy and Kemijärven Sellu
Oy, Finland, have concluded an agreement for the delivery and erection of a
concrete-bottom electrostatic precipitator. The scope also includes the flue gas
fan, ducting and dust transportation system.The pulp mill is owned by Stora
Enso Publication Paper.

On the moment the pulp mill has three ESPs fully made of concrete. Two
smaller and older precipitators will be replaced by this new ESP. During the
erection of the new ESP, also a part of the existing ducting will be replaced.
The challenging part of this contract is the fast delivery time (8 months) and
the short shut-down of the plant in September 2005.

The Kemijärvi pulp mill produces 240,000 tons of chemical softwood pulp
per year for the production of high quality grade printing and writing paper.