ALSTOM wins a contract worth more than190 million euros for the retrofit of a Swedish nuclear plant

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ALSTOM has won a
contract worth around 190 millions to provide steam turbine and generator
equipment as part of a project to increase the power output of Ringhals nuclear
power station in Sweden.

Under the contract with Ringhals AB, owned by Swedish energy companies
Vattenfall and Sydkraft, ALSTOM will supply new internal retrofit parts for
four turbine/generator sets at units 3 & 4 of the four-unit plant. Each set
contains one generator, one high-pressure steam turbine and three low-pressure
steam turbines.

In addition, ALSTOM will replace and upgrade moisture separator
reheaters, turbine instrumentation and control system, main steam valves and
other balance of plant, as well as carrying out dismantling, installation,
commissioning and testing work.

Thanks to an upgrade of the nuclear reactors and the design of the
retrofitted turbine and generator equipment, the rated electrical power output
of each of the two units will increase from the current 920 MW to slightly more
than 1100 MW on unit 3 and approximately 1150 MW on unit 4. Most of the work
will be carried out during scheduled annual outage periods, with the main installation
work for unit 3 taking place in 2006 and 2007, and in 2008 and 2011 for unit 4