ALSTOM wins gas turbine upgrade order for Alba Power Plant,

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ALSTOM has won a repeat gas turbine upgrade order, worth
approximately 26 million euros, from Alba Aluminium Bahrain
B.S.C. for a gas-fired, combined-cycle power plant at Manama,

The scope of the contract includes the upgrading of three
GT13D3A-type gas turbines to GT13DM at Alba's Power Station 3.
The DM* upgrades comprise new rotor and stator blading as well
as new vane carriers. The benefits of the upgrade include
significantly extended inspection intervals, increased
efficiency and power output, and reduced life-cycle costs of
the turbines. The turbines will be upgraded between 2006 and
2008 during scheduled major overhauls, resulting in maximum
cost-efficiency for the customer.

Alba purchased its first DM upgrade in 2002 and a further
two soon afterwards. Upon completion of the project, all six of
the plant's gas turbines will have been upgraded to 13DM and be
equipped with ALSTOM's advanced EV burner technology, which
will reduce NOx emissions from the turbines to well below local
regulatory requirements.

Power Station 3 is based on two combined-cycle blocks, each
powered by three gas turbines (type GT13D3A and 13DM) and one
steam turbine.


ALSTOM sets the benchmark for innovative, environmentally
friendly technologies in the world of power and rail
transport infrastructure. ALSTOM builds the fastest train and
the highest capacity automated metro in the world, and
provides turnkey integrated power plant solutions and
associated services for a wide variety of energy sources,
including hydro, gas and coal. The Group employs 69,000
people in 70 countries, and had sales of €15.8 billion
in 2004/05.


Press Enquiries:

Anna Newnham

Tel.: +33 1 41 49 34 42

Fax: +33 1 41 49 27 74

Project Enquiries:

Cécile Panaget

Tel.: +33 1 49 92 41 68

Fax: +33 1 49 92 42 01


Editors' notes

*ALSTOM's turbine upgrades bridge the gap between the latest
technological developments and existing gas turbine designs in
order to maintain our customers' competitive strength.

With the GT13DM turbine upgrade a customer can choose from
two options: significantly increased power output and
efficiency while extending the interval between major overhauls
to 24,000 EOH (Option P). Alternatively, C-inspections can be
increased even further to 32,000 EOH while the unit's power
output and efficiency are slightly increased (Option L).
Furthermore, to fulfil individual market requirements a
switching option can also be implemented that allows customers
at any time to change the operational mode of the engine
between the performance (P) and interval (L) options. All
required modifications to existing hardware can be carried out
during a major overhaul.

Scope of the turbine upgrade

The upgrade includes the replacement of the turbine blading and
the vane carrier, as well as modification of the exhaust gas
housing. The unit's performance as well as the lifetime of
parts is increased by aerodynamic improvements of the turbine
and the reduction of leakage and cooling air. The turbine inlet
temperature (TIT) can be slightly increased after the
modifications. The upgraded GT13DM turbine still features full
fuel flexibility.

Summary of technical improvements

  • Increased aerodynamic efficiency: shifting the outer and
    the inner contour of the turbine channel reduces velocity
  • Aerodynamically improved blading profiles: improved
    blading cooling, enhanced heat transfer and lower metal
    temperatures, less cooling air needed
  • Reduced cooling air and hot gas leakage