Order for two HRSGs in USA

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ALSTOM has won a contract to supply two Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs) in Wisconsin, USA, for the Port Washington Combined Cycle Power Plant. This project is the second tranche of HRSGs bought by power plant owner We Power LLC from ALSTOM.

The first order, also for two HRSGs, was placed in late 2002. When completed, the Port Washington Generating Station will have two combined cycle units, each having an electrical output of 550MW, each comprising  two gas turbines, two HRSGs and one steam turbine.

ALSTOM's scope of supply for the project will include the design, manufacture and supply of two OCCTM - Optimized for Cycling and Constructability - HRSGs, for two GE7FA gas turbines. The HRSGs will be supplied with the latest Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) technology to reduce NOx emissions. This gas-fired project will deliver a cleaner source of energy for Wisconsin and provide jobs for the local community.

In addition to the highly modular OCCTM pressure part sections, the HRSGs are being supplied in C-Frame modules.  C-Frame modules integrate pressure parts, support steel and insulation and casing into easily transportable modules.  Furthermore, the Port Washington HRSGs will come with modularized piping, stack, stair tower and platforms, which would otherwise require site-assembly. The total benefit of this "ultra-modularization" is the reduction of on-site erection costs and construction time by up to 25%.  Delivery of equipment will begin in September 2006.


ALSTOM has won a contract to supply two Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs) in Wisconsin, USA, for the Port Washington Combined Cycle Power Plant.

This project is the second tranche of HRSGs bought by power plant owner We Power LLC from ALSTOM. The first order, also for two HRSGs, was placed in late 2002.

When completed, the Port Washington Generating Station will have two combined cycle units, each having an electrical output of 550MW, each comprising  two gas turbines, two HRSGs and one steam turbine.

ALSTOM's scope of supply for the project will include the design, manufacture and supply of two OCCTM - Optimized for Cycling and Constructability - HRSGs, for two GE7FA gas turbines. The HRSGs will be supplied with the latest Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) technology to reduce NOx emissions. This gas-fired project will deliver a cleaner source of energy for Wisconsin and provide jobs for the local community.

In addition to the highly modular OCCTM pressure part sections, the HRSGs are being supplied in C-Frame modules.  C-Frame modules integrate pressure parts, support steel and insulation and casing into easily transportable modules.  Furthermore, the Port Washington HRSGs will come with modularized piping, stack, stair tower and platforms, which would otherwise require site-assembly.

The total benefit of this "ultra-modularization" is the reduction of on-site erection costs and construction time by up to 25%.  Delivery of equipment will begin in September 2006.

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