ALSTOM delivers first Minuetto trains to Trenitalia

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The trains are part of a frame contract awarded to ALSTOM in
January 2001 for a total of up to 200 trains, corresponding to an
overall investment of about 700 million euros. MINUETTO is
specially produced by ALSTOM for Trenitalia, as part of their
programme to renew their regional fleet. This renewal responds to
an increasing demand to improve rail connections between regional
capitals and smaller cities and towns and due to the
decentralisation of large industrial and commercial facilities.

MINUETTO is derived from ALSTOMs CORADIA family of trains,
developed to meet the needs of increasing urban development and
of regions growth outside large cities.

The trains are produced in ALSTOMs sites in Savigliano and
Colleferro, Italy and Salzgitter, Germany.

Emilio Gallocchio, President of ALSTOM Italy and Managing
Director of ALSTOM Ferroviaria, said: 'This is the result of a
synergetic team project, that made it possible to meet the
deadlines established for the delivery of the first trains, while
fully meeting comfort, safety and functionality requirements'.

Notes for editors

Piedmont, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Campania and
Sicily are the first regions that to adopt the trains : 

  • 40 trains in
  • 16 trains in
  • 19 in
  • 8 in Emilia
  • 20 in
  • 40 trains in Sicily, of which 30 electric traction trains
    and 10 diesel traction trains, renewing more than 60% of the

Each vehicle consists of a 3-car trainset, with locomotives at
the two extremities and a passenger car in the middle. The whole
train is 51.9 m long and 2,950 mm wide. The train floor is 60 cm
high from the rails . MINUETTO trains can transport up to 345
passengers, with 122 seats, of which 24 in 1
st class, plus 23 folding seats. Electric
traction trains can reach a maximum speed of 160 km/h and diesel
traction trains 130 km/h. Acceleration is from 0 to 120 km/h in
52 sec., and then 1 km every 30 sec.

There are three access doors, one per unit, of which one is
equipped with a lift ramp for easier access for the
mobility-impaired. Each train has a multifunctional area for
bicycles and luggage. On-board features include: video control
system, internal displays visible from anywhere in the train,
audio announcements, information in Braille, self-cleaning
toilets, 220 V sockets for cellular phones and portable
computers, folding table with litter bin.

MINUETTO is supported by a modern TCMS information system (about
40 computers run by a single brain, controlling also
engine-drivers manoeuvres, thus ensuring maximum safety.
And finally,: MINUETTO was designed to minimise sudden changes in
temperature, noise, vibrations, sudden light changes, fatigue

With more than 35 product lines and a presence in more than
60 countries, ALSTOM's Transport sector offers complete
products and services for new rolling stock, signaling, and
electrical and mechanical infrastructure as well as maintenance
and rehabilitation services to four distinct types of
customers: urban transit authorities and operators; intercity
passenger rail operators and rolling stock owners; rail freight
operators; and intercity railway infrastructure owners.
ALSTOM's Transport sector, with sales of 4.9 billion euros
in financial year 2003-2004, is among the world's leading
suppliers to the railway industry.

Press information:

Helen Connolly

Tel. +33 (0)1 41 66 91 43