GTT of Italy orders 10 trains from ALSTOM's CORADIA range for 37.5 million euros

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GTT has ordered the trains to reinforce the capacity of its network and offer passengers rapid, high-quality rail travel. The electric, three-car multiple-unit trainsets can carry up to 145 seated passengers. With a top speed of 160 kph, the trains are designed to offer high levels of safety and comfort for passengers.

The new regional trains will be equipped with ramps to permit easy access for passengers with impaired mobility. The large, comfortable coaches offer passenger amenities such as ergonomic seats, power plugs, air-conditioning with a backup system, video supervision, and audio and video passenger information systems.

Delivery is scheduled from October 2005 to April 2006, with the first trains entering service in December 2005.

Emilio Gallocchio, ALSTOM Italy country president and managing director of ALSTOM Transport Italy, said, We are very proud for this order, which confirms our leadership in producing technologically advanced and cost-effective regional railway transportation systems. 

GTT, under the authority of the city of Turin, manages the Turin-Ceres (which links the Turin airport to the city center) and Canavesana railways for the Piedmont region.

The two regional railways, which carry 4 million passengers a year, connect the city of Turin with two valleys, serving 33 municipalities. Ridership is expected to increase in coming years, especially with the Winter Olympics in 2006, which will take place in and around Turin. The two valleys, Valle di Lanzo and Canavese, are quite densely populated (1.5 million people) with ski resorts and other tourist destinations.

With more than 35 product lines and a presence in more than 60 countries, ALSTOMs Transport sector offers complete products and services for new rolling stock, signaling, and electrical and mechanical infrastructure as well as maintenance and rehabilitation services to four distinct types of customers: urban transit authorities and operators; intercity passenger rail operators and rolling stock owners; rail freight operators; and intercity railway infrastructure owners. ALSTOMs Transport sector, with sales of 5.1 billion in financial year 2002-2003, is among the worlds leading suppliers to the railway industry.
Press information:
Helen Connolly
Tel. +33 (0)1 41 66 91 43