ALSTOM to build a steam power plant in Saudi Arabia for
€675 million

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The Saudi Electricity Company has selected a consortium led
by ALSTOM and including its civil partner Archirodon for the
supply and construction of the Shoaiba Steam Power Plant
extension project. The value for ALSTOM is approximately
675 million of a total 835 million for the whole
project. The formal contract is expected to be signed with the
consortium in the coming weeks.

ALSTOM has already supplied this site with 5 units of 370
MW, all of which are now in commercial operation. Under this
new contract, ALSTOM will design, supply and install another 3
identical units covering the supply, installation and
commissioning of boilers, steam turbines, generators and the
complete balance of plants and systems. The boilers are
designed to burn both crude and heavy oil, using ALSTOM's
tangential-firing technology. The contract should also include
an option to build a further 3 units on the same site which
could be exercised within 12 months. This would make Shoaiba
the largest power plant in the Middle East with an output in
excess of 4,000 MW.

Philippe Joubert, President of ALSTOM's Power Turbo-Systems
and Power Environment Sectors, remarks: 'This second project
from the Saudi Electricity Company demonstrates once more the
trust in ALSTOM and the confidence in our products as
experienced world-wide leader in steam plant technology'.

Press relations:

G. Tourvieille/S. Gagneraud

(Tel. +33 1 47 55 23 15)


Investor relations:

E. Chatelain

(Tel. +33 1 47 55 25 33)