New ALSTOM Organisation

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ALSTOM today announced a new phase in the simplification of
its organisation. The changes detailed below are designed both
to improve commercial efficiency by ensuring a clearer
organisational interface with customers, and to concentrate the
top management team in line with the Groups reduced
scope following recent disposals.

Nick Salmon, Executive Vice-President, has decided to leave
the Group to take up a consultancy position with an investment
bank following the successful completion of the main operations
included in ALSTOMs disposals programme. In addition,
Andrew Hibbert, General Counsel, has decided to leave the Group
to pursue new professional projects.

As a consequence, ALSTOMs Board of Directors has
approved the following organisational changes proposed by
Patrick Kron, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer:

- Philippe Joubert, previously President of the Transmission
& Distribution Sector of ALSTOM (sold in January 2004), is
appointed Executive Vice-President and will lead the Power
Turbo-Systems and Power Environment Sectors, replacing Mike
Barrett and Philippe Soulié, who will each be assigned
projects and missions within the Group. Philippe Joubert will
also be responsible for the coordination of the three
Power-related Sectors (Power Turbo-Systems, Power Environment
and Power Service) and the supervision of the International
Network in order to ensure total consistency of action towards
ALSTOMs customer base.

- Donna Vitter, who currently leads the Power Environment
Sectors legal team, is appointed General Counsel of
ALSTOM ; Andrew Hibbert will continue for some months to advise
the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer on specific

- The responsibilities of Nick Salmon are split between the
members of the Executive Committee.

ALSTOMs Executive Committee now comprises : Patrick
Kron (Chairman & Chief Executive Officer), Philippe
Jaffré (Finance Director), Philippe Joubert (Power
Turbo-Systems, Power Environment, Network), Walter Graenicher
(Power Service), Philippe Mellier (Transport), Patrick Boissier
(Marine), Patrick Dubert (Human Resources) and Donna Vitter

Press :

S. Gagneraud / G. Tourvieille  - Tel. 01 47 55 25 87

Investor Relations :

E. Chatelain  - Tel. 01 47 55 25 78


Philippe Joubert

Philippe Joubert, ESSEC, started his career in the banking
world in Brazil and the USA. He joined ALSTOM in 1986, as
Finance Director of GEC ALSTHOM Mecanica Pesada in Brazil. In
1991 he was appointed President and CEO of Macanica Pesada, and
in 1992 became General Delegate of GEC ALSTHOM in Brazil. In
1997 he was named Country President, GEC ALSTHOM in Brazil, and
was subsequently appointed Managing Director of the Transport
unit, Transporte do Brasil Ltda. In 2000, he joined
ALSTOMs Executive Committee and was appointed President
of its Transmission & Distribution Sector, sold at the
beginning of January 2004.

Donna Vitter

Following university studies in foreign languages
(Georgetown University) and law (Boston College Law School),
Donna Vitter began private practice in 1976 with a large Boston
law firm and continued in the firms Washington office
until 1981. She then moved to France for an MBA degree at
INSEAD and worked for the next three years as an international
controller in the Saint Gobain Group. She joined Cegelec in
1985 and managed its International Legal Department until 1997,
when she was appointed General Counsel of ALSTOM's Energy
Sector. She was Deputy General Counsel of ABB ALSTOM Power and
later General Counsel of the ALSTOM Power Sector before being
named General Counsel of the Power Environment Sector.