ALSTOM delivers last Z 2N train to the SNCF

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The Z 2N is a suburban double-deck train that has been
in service in the Paris region since 1983 and in the Nord-Pas
de Calais since 1996.

Contracts with the SNCF for the design, manufacture and
delivery of the trains cover 25 years, three generations of
rolling stock and the delivery of 1,591 cars.

ALSTOMs partnership with the SNCF produced continuous
improvement and progress over the three generations of the
Z 2N trains while maintaining performance in line with
contractual commitments for quality, costs and deadlines.

With more than 35 product lines and a presence in more
than 60 countries, ALSTOM's Transport sector offers complete
products and services for new rolling stock, signaling and
electrical and mecanical infrastructure as well as
maintenance and rehabilitation services to four distinct
types of customers: urban transit authorities and operators;
intercity passenger rail operators and rolling stock owners;
rail freight operators; and intercity railway infrastructure
owners. ALSTOM's Transport sector, with sales of
5.1 billion in financial year 2002-2003, is among
the world's leading suppliers to the railway industry.

Press information:

Helen Connolly

Tel. +33 (0)1 41 66 91 43