Annual Shareholders Meeting of 2 July 2003

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ALSTOM's Annual Shareholders Meeting was held today,
chaired by Patrick Kron, Chairman and CEO.

All the proposed resolutions were approved by

In particular, shareholders have adopted:

- the 2nd resolution related to the approval of the modified
consolidated accounts,

- the 12th resolution related to the reduction of the nominal
value of the shares from 6 to 1.25,

- the 13th resolution authorising the Board of Directors to
increase the share capital of the Company by the issue of
shares, with maintenance of preferential subscription

Patrick Kron commented: "The capital increase, which our
shareholders have just approved, is an important step in our
programme to strengthen the balance sheet of the Company; it
will be implemented when we have adequate visibility on the
disposal of our Transmission & Distribution Sector and on
the refinancing of the part of our debt due to mature in the
course of next year."

As a result of the losses registered during the fiscal year
2002/2003, no dividend will be paid to shareholders for this
fiscal year.


Press relations:     S. Gagneraud/ G.

(Tél. +33 1 47 55 25 87/+33 1 47 55 23 15)


Investor relations: J-G. Micol/A. Rebière

(Tél. +33 1 47 55 26 34)