ALSTOM awarded contract for Eastmain Hydroelectric Power
Plant in Canada

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ALSTOM has recently been awarded a contract valued at
approximately 38 million by Société
dÉnergie de la Baie James, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Hydro Québec.  The contract provides
for the engineering, supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of three 160 MW turbo-generator sets and their
auxiliaries at the hydroelectric power plant Eastmain 1A. 
This power plant is part of the James Bay Hydroelectric
Development programme.

ALSTOMs hydro division in Canada is managing the
project, for which the engineering work has already
started.  Commissioning on the last turbine-generator set
is scheduled to take place in December 2006.

Pierre Gauthier, President of ALSTOM Canada, Power stated
:  ALSTOM and Hydro-Québec  have
been working together since the 1960's.  During these
years, they have built a sound relationship based on proven
expertise and technology.  ALSTOM is proud to support
Hydro-Québec in its development policies for the
Québec hydroelectric resource.

ALSTOM is the global specialist in energy and transport
infrastructure. The Company serves the energy market through
its activities in the fields of power generation and power
transmission and distribution, and the transport market
through its activities in rail and marine. In fiscal year
2001/02, ALSTOM had annual sales in excess of 23
billion and employed 112,000 people in over 70 countries.
ALSTOM is listed on the Paris, London and New York stock

Press enquiries

G. Tourvieille/M. Dowd

Tel. +33 1 47 55 23 15

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E. Rocolle-Teyssier

Tel. +33 1 47 55 25 78