ALSTOM to maintain infrastructure and vehicles for new
tramways in Barcelona

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ALSTOM has been awarded two 25-year contracts for the
maintenance of the new Trambaix and Trambesòs tramways in

Under these contracts ALSTOM will maintain the rolling stock
and infrastructure of both tramway networks, for a total of about
179 million. Comsa, a Spanish construction company, will
maintain the platforms.

Operating both tramway networks is a private group headed by
Detren, a Spanish company jointly owned by FCC (Fomento de
Construcciones y Contratas) and Connex. The Sarbus Group and
Soler & Sauret are also part of the operating joint

Patrick Kron, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ALSTOM,
said at the signing of the contracts: '
We are very pleased by this demonstration of confidence in
ALSTOM. These contracts are very important for us, consolidating
our reputation in maintaining light-rail systems. Furthermore,
ALSTOM is proud to be contributing to the continuing development
of urban transport in Barcelona, not only with the city's new
tramways, but also with the new automatic metro line.

ALSTOM, as the technical leader of the construction consortium
building the Trambaix and the Trambesòs networks, is
supplying the rolling stock a total of 37 trams from its
CITADIS family as well as much of the infrastructure
equipment for both tramways.

ALSTOM is also supplying 250 metro cars from its METROPOLIS
range for Barcelona's new automatic metro line (Line 9),
currently under construction.

The Trambaix and Trambesòs contracts complement
ALSTOMs previous successes in Dublin and Melbourne, where
ALSTOM has been awarded maintenance contracts for the rolling
stock of the tramway networks.

route map

With more than 35 product lines and a presence in over 60
countries, ALSTOM's Transport Sector offers cutting-edge
products and services to four distinct types of customers:
urban transit authorities and operators; intercity passenger
rail operators and rolling stock owners; rail freight
operators; and intercity railway infrastructure owners.
ALSTOM's Transport Sector, with 4.4 billion in sales in
2001, is among the world's leading suppliers to the railway

Press information:

Helen Connolly

Tel. +33 (0)1 41 66 91 43