French National Railways orders 22 new duplex high speed
trains from ALSTOM

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The French National Railways (SNCF) has just notified ALSTOM
that it has been awarded an order for 22 TGV Duplex double-deck
high speed trainsets for a total amount of nearly 420 million

This firm order for 22 trainsets is the first stage of an
investment programme being carried out by the SNCF over several
years and involving a total of 82 trains.

The trains are to be used to strengthen the SNCF's high
speed service offering in France; they will be used on the
Paris-Lyons line, to complement the 30 TGV Duplex trains
currently in intense service on this line and the 12 TGV Duplex
trains currently being built. The delivery of the new trains is
scheduled to start in October 2002.

ANF Industries (Bombardier) is part of the consortium and
will participate in the manufacture of these 22 trains.

This order confirms the success of the double-deck TGV
concept, reinforcing ALSTOM's leadership on the high speed rail
transport market. The double-deck TGV proves its worth as the
most cost-effective transport solution for distances up to 750

ALSTOM is the global specialist in energy and transport
infrastructure. The company serves the energy market through
its activities in the fields of power generation, power
transmission and distribution, power conversion and electrical
contracting and the transport market through its activities in
rail and marine. Following the full integration of the power
generation activities, ALSTOM today has annual sales in excess
of 20 billion euros and employs more than 140,000 people in
over 70 countries.

Press relations:

S. Gagneraud / G. Tourvieille (Tel. 01 47 55 25 87)

Investment relations :

H. Green (Tel. 01 47 55 25 78)

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