ALSTOM wins a 186 million dollars order for the two new
generating units in Itaipu

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ALSTOM, leading the CEITAIPU consortium, has just won the
international bid for design, production, erection and
commissioning of the last two generating units in Itaipu. One
of these units will be generating at 60 Hz and the other at 50
Hz, with an individual capacity of 700 MW each. Consequently,
the Itaipu hydro power plant will increase its installed
capacity from 12,600 MW to 14,000 MW.

The Itaipu hydroelectric power plant, the largest in
operation worldwide, is a project developed by Brazil and
Paraguay in Rio Parana after the signature of the Treaty of
Itaipu in 1973. Construction began in 1974 and the last unit
entered operation in May 1991.

ALSTOM is the leading producer of hydro power generating
units worldwide and in Brazil, where it has equipped the
Itaipu,Tucurui, Foz do Areia, Ita and Machadinho power plants.
ALSTOM is also currently supplying 8 turbine generators for the
Three Gorges hydro project in China.

ALSTOM is the global specialist in energy and transport
infrastructure. The company serves the energy market through
its activities in the fields of power generation, power
transmission and distribution, power conversion and electrical
contracting and the transport market through its activities in
rail and marine. Following the full integration of the power
generation activities, ALSTOM today has annual sales in excess
of 20 billion euros and employs more than 140,000 people in
over 70 countries.

Press enquiries:

Monica Coull (Tel. +32 2 642 30 87)

G.Tourvieille (Tel. +33 1 47 55 23 15)

Investor relations:

H. Green (Tel. +33 1 47 55 25 78)

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